White Birdhouses-The Cute Decorative Addition to Your Garden
White birdhouses allow you to add a unique decorative appeal to your garden decor. Depending on the species of bird that you want to attract to your backyard will make a big difference on the style and design of the house that you pick. As you create a bird friendly yard you will benefit tremendously by providing a beautiful white birdhouse for your garden and patio area.
After looking at high end luxury models, white bird houses might seem a bit dull and plain. But you have to keep in mind that birds are not that picky when it comes to a bird house style.
They just need a place to nest, and even the cheapest most simple bird house will do just fine. Besides, some experts advise against using strongly colored bird houses, as it can scare them away – not exactly what you have in mind if you’re shopping for a bird house and that's where you'll be able to use a white bird house.
White Birdhouses Blend Well in Existing Surroundings
White birdhouses allow you to add a unique decorative appeal to your garden decor. Having an antique copper roof or Victorian-style birdhouse goes hand-in-hand with a white finish on the outside. Purple Martins particularly the top choice for this color of birdhouse.
Depending on the species of bird that you want to attract to your backyard will make a big difference on the style and design of the house that you pick. Birds have a particular size of hole that they prefer for their nesting box and with a little research you will be able to find out the particular size and dimension of the floor and the walls for the bird that you are trying to attract to the yard.
If you buy a ready-made house that is already white then you are way ahead of the game as you can choose the different accessories such as a porch, window shutters are even the overall theme of the house that the artist was trying to create. If you are deciding to make your own and need to paint your house or you have an old birdhouse that you want to recondition make sure that you paint it with a good water latex paint.
Install a Ready-Made or Use a Reconditioned Birdhouse
Do not paint on the inside of the house as this can put chemicals with inside the nesting area which is not very healthy for the bird. Try to paint the birdhouse on the off-season as a craft project and allow the paint to dissipate the smell for long period of time as birds do not like fresh paint smell or any strong odors that are not related to nature.
How to Enjoy Birds in Your Backyard:
- Strategically Place Birdfeeders: Make sure that you positioned the birdfeeders or the ground feeding stations or any other features that you would like to observe in an area where you can see them and enjoy the show that's outside in your backyard. Have them surround or be close to an area that is your favorite place to sit whether it's on your patio/deck or maybe a nice wrought iron garden bench in your garden. If you cannot properly see your bird friends you will not be able to properly enjoy the work you did in creating a bird friendly yard.
- Install an Outdoor Water Feature: Water is one of the most important factors when you are attracting birds to your backyard. Not only do they need water for drinking to survive but they also need to wash and clean off the oils that accumulate in their wings. If you do provide a bird bath you want to make sure that you add some type of motion to the water with the use of a wiggler some type of dripper or even a mister that will help keep the water moving. For a bigger fountain or pond invest in a recirculating birdbath with a filter. Birds love moving water it drives them crazy and they cannot stay away no matter how hard they try.
Backyard birds provide stress relief, positive Chi and entertainment
Besides all the help that you are providing for the birds with the food and water as you create a bird friendly yard you will benefit tremendously by providing a beautiful white birdhouse for your garden and patio area. There is nothing like watching the birds flying on top of the pole with the birdhouse on top in the middle of your garden.
It will still look amazing if you hang it on a wall (depending on the species of bird that you're trying to attract) but make sure to put in measures to help protect the birds from predators. Just remember that you want to treat these birds as best as you can because you want them to return next year. All of us here at Garden-Delights.com want to help you with all the information and resources that you will need to find the best birdhouse and backyard garden decor accessories for your home.
Home Made Bird Houses-Creative Building a Birdhouse Project That Is Fun
If you have even the slightest do-it-yourself spirit in you, you are more than capable of doing a much better job yourself and make a Home Made Bird House.Building a homemade bird house is not rocket science. With some careful planning and preparation even young children could do it.
Bird Houses Directory| Reviews, Comparisons, Information on Birdhouses
Find information and resources that you can use to help you find the right birdhouse so you can attract the right species of birds to your backyard.short articles on- bird houses, creative bird houses, bird houses and feeders, bird seed houses, wren bird houses, blue bird houses, white bird houses, patriotic bird houses, decorative garden bird houses, purple Martin bird houses.