Birdhouses Directory-Reviews, Comparisons, Information on Birdhouses
Below we have gathered a collection of short informative articles to help you guide through the information about birdhouses and birding accessories with reviews and comparisons. we hope the information is helpful so that you can educate yourself on finding the right bird house for your yard.
House Wren Bird Houses-Finding the Perfect Birdhouse Plan
If you are into wren bird houses but dont have the time or expertise to design it, theres a little known trick you can use to aid you. With a set of freely available design plans, you can rest assured your wren bird house will be the perfect accommodation for wrens.House wrens will usually accept birdhouses that are 5 to 10 feet above the ground or close to the ground with shrubbery for coverage.
Bluebird Houses| Bluebird Nest Box For Protection and Safety of Bluebirds
Bluebird Houses are probably the most common bird houses in the country. Helping and protecting the bluebirds should be everyone's priority.Bluebird houses can be mounted on fence posts, utility poles or trees (trees are less desirable as climbing predators have access). Another good area is to consider mounting them on poles that you can place in your yard.
White Birdhouses Are a Great Way to Add a Unique Flavor to Your Backyard
White Birdhouses is the color that goes well with nearly all existing house styles and colors.After looking at high end luxury models, white bird houses might seem a bit dull and plain. But you have to keep in mind that birds are not that picky when it comes to a bird house style. They just need a place to nest, and even the cheapest most simple bird house will do just fine.
Purple Martin Bird Houses, Five star suite for birds
Purple Martin bird houses are widely used across the country.Its hard to believe how much bird housing has evolved in the past few years. Purple Martin bird houses, for instance, have a lot of different bird house models, suitable for both beginners and experts alike.Purple Martin houses have specific dimensions and are very important factors in making it suitable for this particular species.
Custom Made Bird Houses, If You Build It They Will Come
Planning a Custom Made Bird House, there are no limits to what you can achieve: if you can imagine it, it can certainly be done.Your luxury custom-made birdhouse will look just superb in your garden. These handmade birdhouses are the best way to provide shelter for several different species of birds.
Cute Bird Houses and Funny Birdfeeders Will Put a Smile on Your Face
Cute Bird Houses are rapidly becoming a best selling item in online stores worldwide. Life is too short to be living with a dull face, and what’s best to make you smile than a funny bird house?There’s also the opportunity to do some custom work on it. If you buy a plain looking bird house, you can easily turn it into a much nicer looking "Cute bird house" with some creativity.
Home Made Bird Houses, Instructions not needed
If you have even the slightest do-it-yourself spirit in you, you are more than capable of doing a much better job yourself and make a Home Made Bird House.Building a homemade bird house is not rocket science. With some careful planning and preparation even young children could do it.
Bird Baths-Backyard, Decorative Bird Heated, Stone, Metal Water Features
Adding a Bird Bath to your garden decor is not only a beautiful garden decoration with sound but it also provides so much to the wildlife of your backyard.Many of the fountains that you will find are both for aesthetics and providing resources for your birding environment.