Fiberglass Water Fountains-Lightweight Outdoor Fountains for Your Yard
Fiberglas Water Fountains are often preferred over metal or stone ones for a very simple reason: they’re cheaper and easier to maintain. Though some people worry that a fiberglass water fountain might not be as durable as those made from harder materials, the truth remains: if installed and maintained properly, there’s no reason for a fiberglass water fountain not to last for as long as you want.
Fiberglass Water Fountains Can Give You the Look of Stone with the Price of Resin
Although many of us love the look of those complex and intricate stone water fountains, our budgets rarely allow us to indulge ourselves with those expensive items. So, instead of getting a second mortgage on your house to pay for it, isn’t it a lot wiser to get a fountain you can afford?
Just because it’s made of fiberglass doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful as well. In fact, fiberglass water fountains allows artists and fountain manufactures to be even more creative and create shapes and forms that would be very hard to achieve in other materials.
Fiberglass Garden Fountains Can Come in Any Shape and Size Imaginable
Fiberglass garden fountains are your best choice for your garden, deck or even patio. They can be molded and shaped into any shape and design that you can think of. They are known for their garden wall fountains to elegant statues of pouring buckets to multilevel tiers of pouring water.
The benefits of fiberglass are that it allows you to have your own lightweight outdoor fountain giving you the ability of incredible diversity. Made with fiberglass or resin you get any molded shape that you would want. If you are looking for a very tall statue of 5 feet it may only weigh about 35 pounds but can be moved very easily to place it in different parts of your yard creating a different look every time.
Repair tips for fiberglass outdoor water fountains:
- Pump Stops Working/No Water Flow: Keeping your pump free of debris is easy with regular maintenance. If it is not working it is probably plugged and debris should be removed using a garden hose or a brush clean out filter vents.
- How to check and fix leaks: If you suspect a leak in your fountain then you have to locate the leak. If you cannot find it allow to sit for several days and cracks will show up as a white area from sediment buildup. If the fountain is fiberglass, resin or even stone you can fix it with clear silicone (like what is used for repairing aquariums).
- Repairing fiberglass pieces that break off: If you have a PC your water fountain that is broken off you'll be able to repair it using a proxy. Usually these are a two-part mix of equal amounts once you've done that apply epoxy to both pieces let stand and then stick them together and hold them for a few minutes.
- Repairing bigger fiberglass pieces: If your fountain is resin material your repair process will be the combination of fiberglass cloth and resin mixture. You can find these at a boat supply store or at your local hardware store. Clean the area to be applied rough out with course sandpaper and apply a layer and join the pieces. You will have to clamp and let stand for the manufactures recommended time.
- Replacing old waterproof sealant on water fountains: If you have an older water fountain the coding that is applied from the manufactures of the waterproof sealant can naturally wear off during normal weather conditions. By simply reapplying a new sealant that you can purchase at a hardware store will rejuvenate the protection. By spraying a few layers on and letting it dry good your outdoor fountain will give you many more years of beautiful enjoyment in your backyard.
LED Lights Are Great Accessory Addition to Your Garden Water Fountain
By having a water fountain accessory of LED lights you will give it more intrigued and design and become more of a living art work piece than just the mere fountain. Reflecting light is a beautiful way to encompass your polished urns, molded replicated wood pieces; faux stone are even a variety of different ceramic pouring bowls in multiple levels.
Fiberglass outdoor garden fountains are constructed of a lightweight durable layered fiberglass and resin giving them a stunning stone like finish. The fiberglass is painted to replicate the stone look. Each fountain will offer you the soothing sounds of water trickling over edges and pouring into pools of water. This is a beautiful way to turn your outdoor spaces into a outdoor living area that anyone would love to be in.
There are many retail marketplace stores (Sears, Walmart, Lowes, target, and Home Depot) that will provide you a wide selection of fiberglass indoor/outdoor fountains. This can provide you with a unique opportunity to find a well-priced water fountain. The polyresin fountains are a very popular choice because of the easy maintenance and care that you receive from these decorative water features.
Buying Tips for Fiberglass Water Fountains
- Choose the fiberglass fountain theme that best blends into your garden decor.
- Consider the power choice (solar power, AC plug-in, battery-operated).
- Choose the right fiberglass fountain size for location (tabletop, patio fountain, garden fountain).
- Check reviews from customers on fiberglass fountains (price comparisons, likes and dislikes).
- Have a budget in mind and look for (wholesale, discount sale offers) on resin fountains.
Fiberglass Water Fountains Provide You a Lightweight Durable Solution Water Feature
In the end, all that matters is that you have your chosen water fountain out there in your yard. Knowing that it requires virtually no maintenance and that it can be left out there all year long certainly helps. Don’t think – not even for a moment - that a "fiberglass water fountain" is a poor choice for a water fountains: just think about all the fiberglass ponds and swimming pools out there.
Corner Water Fountains-Decorative Focal Point Water Feature
Corner water fountains have the special ability of becoming a significant and unique decorative focal point wherever they are placed. Indoor or outdoor these fountains are weather resistant and provide a soothing sound water feature for your landscape.
Solar Water Fountains-Naturally Powered Water Feature Benefit
Solar Water Fountains are the perfect example of how old and new technologies can be brought together to improve our lives.Solar fountains come in a variety of different finishes from stone, fiberglass resin with ultraviolet inhibitor, cement, and metal and are perfect for your patio or garden.
Garden Water Fountains-The Sound of Water Brings a Garden to Life
Adding man-made ornaments such as Garden Water Fountains into the backyard, can in actual fact convert your garden into a work of art.If you are looking to create the ultimate outdoor oasis and are wondering what kind of decor that you can add to your garden or patio, you should consider adding a few outdoor fountains.