Outdoor Furniture Cushions-Furniture Pillows, comfort and protection
Having Outdoor Furniture Cushions adds a great look to your outdoor patio, porch or deck. Many people love to sit outside their homes and just enjoy the outdoors. Many more people love to have cookouts and they like to have a table and chairs to sit at when they need to be outside tending to the grill.
We all know that having outdoor furniture means that it will be exposed to all kinds of weather. The only way to prevent our outdoor furniture cushions from getting ruined by the weather is to have outdoor furniture covers.
Outdoor Furniture Cushions are the Finishing Accessory for your Outdoor Seating Area
Cushions are another concern when it comes to outdoor seating. Outdoor furniture cushions can be a wonderful accessory to any outdoor seating. When you are buying new outdoor furniture cushions the most important thing is the size.
You will want to be sure that the size of the cushion will match the size of the seat perfectly. If you already have cushions the best way to size it is to set the cushion on a flat surface and measure it. If you do not have cushions you can just measure the seats and the back support.
Measure When You are Replacing or Buying New Patio Furniture Cushions
Measuring is a crucial part in choosing the right cushions for your outdoor furniture. Once you have all your measurements that you will need, the fun comes; you are ready to choose out the perfect patio cushion, in any color, in any texture you want.
It is always fun to go shopping for things that you can be creative with. However, sometimes this fun time can turn into frustration when you can't find exactly the right outdoor furniture cushion you may find that looking into custom cushions will be your best choice.
Five Tips for Choosing Replacement Outdoor Patio Furniture Cushions:
- Make sure you take accurate measurements of your outdoor furniture pieces.
- Decide on your theme/design and select the pattern that fits.
- Make sure you choose the right outdoor materials for your environment (waterproofing, UV sun protection).
- Choose the right style/pattern and color that will blend well with your outdoor furniture.
- Take note on what other decorative accessories you could add while replacing your outdoor furniture cushions.
Custom Outdoor Furniture Cushions may be an option for a unique look
Often, many customers stray away when they hear that word, "custom". This word many times will come with higher prices. However, this once, that word won't be that bad. Once you check into the endless possibilities when going with custom cushions for your outdoor furniture cushion needs.
The teams that do custom cushion and outdoor furniture covers are able to even replicate original cushions and covers for furniture that is rare or has an odd shape to it. It is also good when you can choose exactly what you want.
A Regular Cleaning Maintenance is the Best Way to protect your Investment
Protecting your investment is one of the most important considerations for your patio furniture cushions. Sun and the exposure to other elements can damage the material of your cushions. By protecting them with regular cleaning and other waterproofing product applications you can expect years of usability from your cushions.
How to Clean you’re outdoor Patio Furniture Cushions:
- Identify the material your cushions are made of: the first thing you should do is to verify what type of material that you are going to have to clean. You can check the tags from the manufacturer that will tell you what types of material and the cleaning instructions that need to be done. A lot of new outdoor cushions will be treated or coated by the manufacturer to add protection against sun and other outdoor elements. Outside materials that are used are acrylics such as woven polyesters coated with PVC or your standard vinyl material. Patio cushions are usually filled with polyesters that do not absorb water. Other manufacturers may use other feelings such as urethane foam which is not completely waterproof.
- Basic care for outdoor furniture cushions: if you're cushions are manufactured with no treatment from rain repellent for the filling is not waterproof then you should be prepared to cover them when it is raining to protect them from mold and mildew. If they do get wet a good suggestion is to stand them up on their sides to allow for the air to dry them quicker. If you are a sun worshiper then you should use a towel to protect your cushions from suntan oils and lotions.
- Outdoor furniture cushions (Regular cleaning maintenance): by keeping your furniture cushions regularly cleaned you will help preserve their life and prevent any further problems. During the summer season just prayer cushions down with the garden hose at least once or twice a month to help remove dirt that can be trapped in the cushions. If need be use a mild dish soap for spot cleaning.
- Vinyl and PVC polyester outdoor cushions: these can be easily kept clean using a mild dish detergent on a regularly monthly cleaning schedule. By adding just quarter cup to a gallon measurement should be well adequate enough for cleaning. For cleaning stubborn stains use a plastic bristle brush rinse with water wipe dry with cloth and air dry.
- Seasonal deep cleaning outdoor furniture cushions: for the end of the season cleaning a great way for cleaning is to completely wash your cushions with 1 cup bleach and 1 cup laundry detergent combined with 3 gallons warm water. You can let the material soak for about 30 min. and rinse off with garden hose.
- Removing mildew on outdoor furniture cushions: 1 Great Way to remove mildew is to use a solution of one cup of bleach to a gallon of water. Check manufacturer’s instructions to see if bleach is allowed on the material (spot test is the best way) rinse and thoroughly let dry sun.
You may also be thinking of comfort when you are choosing your cushions. When thinking of this you need to be aware that having one too thin can be bad as well as having one too thick. If you have chairs with slats for flat seating you do not want a cushion you will be able to feel the slats through and using a thick outdoor furniture cushions will make you sit higher and then raising your back.
Outdoor Furniture Covers Help to Extend the Life of Your Outdoor Patio Furniture
Once you bring your new cushions home and put them on your chairs you will want to make sure that they stay nice for a long time. This is where you protect your investment by having outdoor furniture covers. These covers are weather resistant and will keep your cushions from fading because of long exposure to the sun. However, you have to put them on after using your outdoor furniture or they will not be protecting your investment for long.
Outdoor Furniture Rugs-Personal touch and protection for your patio furniture
Outdoor furniture rugs are used just like an interior rug. If you don't want your precious wicker furniture scraping against a rocky floor, you can get an inexpensive area rug to keep it from harm’s way.An outdoor furniture rug can protect your patio furniture from an abrasive or dirty floor. Depending on the time of year, you may want to choose your rugs carefully.
Martha Stewart Cleaning tips on how to care for your Outdoor Patio Furniture
Cleaning your Martha Stewart outdoor furniture is an important part of keeping the classic pieces looking new and complimentary to your outdoor living area. Various types of materials are used to create these astounding pieces that are sold in a variety of home improvement stores across the nation such as Kmart. In this guide, I will cover how to clean various components of your Martha Stewart outdoor furniture. These include glass, wood, and aluminum.