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Methods of Weed Control for the garden

The weekend Gardener would like to spend more time enjoying the fruits of the flowering and healthy vegetation then pulling unwanted weeds. The most time efficient method of weed control that you can have for your garden is prevention, stop the weeds from growing before they get to be too much. Seeds that are produced from weeds will tend to germinate quickly and grow rapidly. When you are digging and cultivating the seeds are brought to the upper part of the soil and within an inch of the soil surface they will begin to sprout.Tall White weeds flowering with green stems, evasive weeds control, tall weeds, thick stocks, yellow flowers.

As weeds grow, they will start to compete with the other plants, flowers, vegetation, ornamental plants for light, nutrients, and water. Weeds can also act as hosts to different diseases and pests that have the ability to spread around to the other garden plants. Groundsel, as an example has the ability to harbor the fungal diseases rust and mildew, and more likely will have sap sucking-thrips and Greenfly.

Damaging red spider mites and white fly are typically hosted with chickweed. A variety of nightshade species will host viruses and nematodes and have the ability to infect other plants that are from the same family such as potatoes, peppers and ornamental potato vines.

Weeding In An Established Garden Bed

If you have an established garden bed and not planning on sowing flower seeds, then you will be able to use some sort of pre-emergent herbicide. This herbicide treatment helps to prevent weed seed germination. On top of the freshly prepared soil or if you have flowers that are already planted or ground covers, shrubs or trees you want to sprinkle the granules of pre-emergent weed control to prevent the seed germination.White chickweed flowering in sunlight, star chickweed, horticultural weeds, plants that open and close in sunlight.

On established lawns and garden beds you can use the pre-emergent weed control to help prevent annual weeds, such as crabgrass, from invading. If you are applying this type of chemical and you have a newly seeded lawn area this will prevent your grass seed from germinating. During treatment you want to try to keep any pets away from any of the areas that were treated with the chemicals.

5 Weed Control Categories

Types Of Weeds Found In The Garden

Annual Weeds:

Annual weeds will grow from the start of the seed back to the new seed and sprouts a new weed and this all happens very quickly in the spring season. The weeds will flower it will then release its seeds and die before winter.

If the weed gets to the point where it's setting seeds it was known that some annual weeds have the ability of producing a population of 60,000 variable seeds per square yard each year, with most of the weed seeds being found on the top 2 inches of the soil. Annual weeds can come back each year and cause many problems with plant growth and grass. This is because they compete for nutrients, water and sunlight.

13 Common Annual WeedsWhite chickweed flowering in sunlight, star chickweed, horticultural weeds, plants that open and close in sunlight.

Perennial Weeds:

Perennial weeds will live for many years, at the end of the season they will not die. The perennial weed will lay dormant throughout the winter months and will start to be noticeable in the springtime. Each year the flowers and other plant vegetation that you plant will be fighting for the nutrients, water and sometimes the sunlight for growth.

An effective method for controlling perennial weeds in the garden is to dig them up, as long as you get every bit of the plants root system out of the ground. If there are only a few weeds that are found you can use a trowel or tined implement to dig them out. Very important is do not throw your discarded perennial weeds into your compost heap, they will thrive in here and just simply grow. Always discard them separately.

13 Common Perennial WeedsDandelion weed bright yellow blooming, dandelion life cycle, Danny line flower, dandelion weeds, dandelion season.

Common Perennial Garden Weeds:Names With Pictures

Dealing with already established weeds

Weeds overtaking the garden out-of-control, effective weed control, get rid of weeds forever, clearing overgrown flower bed, garden weed problems.If you are dealing with weeds that are already established they will usually be deep rooted perennial weeds and the best control is done by spraying a contact herbicide,one of the more popular weed herbicides is Roundup.

You will find these ready to use spray herbicides already formulated and ready for plant weed treatment. This type of weed spray can be applied directly onto the foliage as long as the weather holds up and there is no rain for 24 hours. Typically within a week or two, the weeds will be dead and under control.

5 Methods of Weed Control General Categories

Natural weed control method

To keep weeds out of the garden naturally in areas where there is no mulch is being used, frequent cultivation about 1 inch on the top of the soil is the best way to control weeds naturaly. When there is newly germinated seedlings from weeds you will find that they will die quickly as they are stirred up and being exposed to the suns heat and drying properties when brought to the top of the soil.Shovel and trowel in ground around weeds, natural weed control, frequent weed cultivation, chemical free weeding, tools for removing weeds.

If you have to clear a garden full of weeds you will first want to pull and killed the weeds right at the roots and leaving the soil which will contain the dormant weed seeds. You then want to cultivate and mulch, mulch,mulch really good and not let the weeds have the chance to see any sunlight.

If you're trying to keep your flower bed, vegetable garden chemical free and do not want to use a chemical to control them and stay organic, then vigilance is the key. You want to remove weeds as soon as you spot them in your garden, when they are very young and only have shallow roots.

This will also cause the least amount of disturbance around your nearby established plants. Weeds typically will leave fewer nutrients and take up space in your flower beds, vegetable gardens and on the lawns not leaving enough for the plants you actually want to grow. Weeds can spread quickly so you have to stay on this process of weeding throughout the growing season.

Chemical Weed Control Methods

Any chemicals that you will use to kill the weeds in your garden are known as herbicides. For non-organic gardeners this is their first method of weed control. Chemical weed control is definitely one of the most effective ways that you will have too stop or control any of the persistent perennial weeds. Some of the chemicals that are available can be bought in a concentrated form, this allows you to dilute with a mixture of water and then you can apply to the plants through hose end sprayer or watering cans, or even the pump up weed control sprayers.Shelves filled up with Roundup chemical herbicide, chemical weed control methods, chemical fertilizers, herbicide weed treatments, weed control sprayers.

Chemical fertilizers and weed control also are available in ready to use mixes. Different types of herbicides that you will buy in sprays are meant to be sprayed onto individual, scattered weeds. When the weeds are starting to die off you simply have to pull them out. If you are working in large flower bed areas it would be a lot easier to dig over the soil and buried the weeds back into the soil, only if they are dead after the chemical treatment.

Some herbicide weed treatments are designed to be selective in what type of vegetation that they are going to kill. When lawns have weeds in them there are chemical weed control methods that will allow you to spray the weed while leaving the grass unaffected. These types of sprayers you must make sure that the spray does not contact with any cultivated plants.

Using a Pre-Emergent Chemical for Weed Control

Turf builder crabgrass preventer on food bag, Pre-emergent chemical, weed control, chemical weed treatment, prevent crabgrass seeding. Pre-emergent chemical is made up of small granules that you can use to scatter over top of the soil to help prevent any of the weed seeds from starting to sprout by preventing any weed seed germination and not allowing it to establish in the soil.

This type of chemical treatment will kill all seeds so try not to use any of the pre-emergent chemical in any of the areas that you have planted recently, or if you are planning to plant any flower seeds. Pre-emergents are typically used in the beginning of the season in early spring when the soil starts to warm up or can be applied in the fall, to prevent weed seeds from is also designed to prevent crabgrass seeds from establishing.

Mulching can help control weeds

Mulching will help keep weeds down and in some cases will eliminate the need for weeding entirely because it will prevent weeds from growing. Because it is protecting the soil it helps to retain moisture in the soil, this is a great water wise solution as the need for watering is reduced. Mulch is a covering of inorganic or organic material and will help give a garden a very neat, and overall cared for appearance leaving flowerbeds weed free.Yellow and red mulch in flower bed with flower pots, mulching control weeds, mulch for garden, organic mulch, choose right mulch, simple flower beds.

Mulching will help control temperatures of the soil as it will spread the temperature across the soil so that plants will suffer less damage from being directly exposed to the suns extreme heat and to protect the plants from evenings cold. Having the soil temperature lower helps with good root growth.

Mulch for your garden can be derived from many different materials and achieve the results that are you are looking for. You will find that some are less expensive, more practical, or easyer to work with. Attractive appearances and colors will also make your choice of mulch for your garden.

Planting in landscape fabric mulch

Landscape fabric mulch will allow you to lay down natural weed control fabric over top of the prepared soil before planting. It then allows you to dress it up with a decorative mulch. Wherever you want to plant your individual plants you just cut holes. Landscape fabric is made to allow water to seep through and down into the ground while it will still prevent weeds from growing and coming up to the surface. It also keeps the weed seeds dormant because they are not exposed to the sunlight.

Organic Mulches

If an organic mulch is what you're going to use you also find that it will improve garden soil quality as it breaks down and adds to the soil known by gardeners as (soil tilth). Some mulching material that you use for weed control is not always very eye pleasing.

Some organic mulches may also alter the soil's chemistry when it is breaking down and added to your soil. Annual soil tests will show you these changes and allow you to adjust the soil with fertilizer applications to help compensate.Marigolds flowering around red wood mulch, organic mulch, improve soil quality, mulch only gardens, Cedar garden mulch, landscape mulching.

List of organic mulch

Inorganic Mulches

Inorganic mulches are things like sheets of porous landscape fabric acting as a blanket, this can be disguised using a decorative layer of thin organic mulch. Inorganic mulches are typically made of inert materials. Which may be a variety of pellet sized bits of recycled rubber tires or may be a variety of different types of crashed landscaping rocks, lava rock.

The advantage of an inorganic mulch is that they will not decompose quickly and have the ability to last for an extended period of time in their environment. Inorganic mulch can sometimes allow you to choose colors to add to your garden depending on the material from black, Cedar, red. The biggest decision that you have for your garden weed control is whether you want to use some kind of a mulch and your second choice would be which kind of mulch to use.

List of inorganic mulchesLarge leafed plant in cement pot on gravel landscape, inorganic mulches, gravel mulch, color mulching, garden weed control, spectacular container gardening.

Other types of mulches will have an odor when they are fresh or they may be that they are too expensive if you're going to use them in a large quantity. The overall use of a mulch will dramatically help keep your weed problems low in any garden. For some reason if a mulch is not used in the garden is recommended to continue hand cultivation to the top 1 inch of the soil. This is a necessary process that will help expose roots of any of the young weeds and allow the sun's rays to drive them out.

Combine control best method for weed control

Best way to control weeds has been used by many advanced gardeners is usually a combination of method for weed control. This is your best solution especially if you have established perennial weeds that are a problem. Combine control method for weeding involves spraying with the proper herbicides when the weeds are in full growth.

When you start to find that the weeds are dying, this is when you dig the area so the weeds are buried down into the soil. When you find that the weeds are starting to germinate to the ground being disturbed, and the young seedlings are merging you will be able to spray them with a chemical weed herbicide as this is the most vulnerable time and they will be quickly dispatched.Open notebook for weed control schedule, early spring weed control, late spring weed control, fall weed control, lawn care calendar, fertilizer schedule.

Weed control application schedule

Hand Tools for Weed Control

If you are not going to use a lot of chemicals to control your weeds in your garden or if you use the combined chemical and natural weed control then you will need specific tools for removing weeds. Weeds will have to be removed by pulling or digging them out, if they are small enough, hoeing them off at soil level. You will find that there are many tools available to the gardener that are specifically designed to help you deal with the different types of weeds.

Top Choice Tools Used For Weeding

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